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Monday, April 26, 2010

World Book Day

Today is world book day and Hwa Chong celebrated it by organizing a door decoration contest and having the "Molly" in our school. The door decoration contest is for the sec 1s to decorate their classroom doors according to a book they chose.My class chose "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" as our book.We decorated the door just yesterday and only got to returned at 5pm. Our progress was very slow because me and Jerome and the Malaysian scholars helped out. The rest of the classmates have all gone away claiming that they do not have time. I am not really angry at them.The previous day most of the Ortus classes are rushing their door design. I really hope my class would be able to win as we seemed to have the most vibrant door. At the "Molly", I borrowed a book named"Hunting Season" and it was recommended by Mrs Anu. So that's all I have to blog for today. Actually the actual date of World Book Day is 23 rd April. I had no time to blog so I just posted it today.Cheers!

SLAMit.DUNKit 6:42 AM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Child Labour in the

point of view of the

Indian Government

The India government also thinks that child labour should not exist. They set laws and prohibit children under 14 to work in factories, mines or engaged in any hazardous employment. Even though they set the laws, many employers still don’t adhere to them and continue to employ children under 14. This is because the India government does not take much action at all.
In the Indian government child labour policy, the government only allows children under 14 to work for their own family’s enterprise and children between 15 and 18 can be recruited for factory employment only after securing a fitness certificate from a medical doctor who is authorized but they can only work for four hours period per day with no night shift. The Indian government has taken several measures in order to protect children rights and prohibit child labour in India but it is not very effective and efficient.
The number of children under 14 working in India is still very high though there is a slight drop. This clearly shows that the India government has not enough measures to stop child labour.

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:17 AM

Child labour in point of view of

Human Right's


Human Rights organization also disagrees with the existence of child labour as it against human rights. Every person in the world should have their own rights including children. They should be able to choose what they want to do and not being forced to do what they do not want to do like working when they are still young.
The Human Rights organization are trying to stop child labour by putting up advertisements and talks trying to persuade the public to stop child labour. The children are not only working but also being tortured by the employers and they no longer have their own rights.
Buying certain brands of goods contribute to child labour as that brand’s factory might have employed children to help them work so if we do not purchase a particular brand’s goods when we know that it contributes to child labour, the goods sold will reduce and the productivity will reduce because of it thus lesser children will be employed. The Human Rights organization have been protecting and preventing child labour since the day it was established but it cannot do it on its own and it needs every nation and the public’s help in order to stop child labour. Therefore, the Human Rights organization is trying to stop child labour.

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:07 AM

Child Labour in my point of view

I feel that child labour should not even have existed as it is really a very cruel thing. Imagine a child under ten working in a factory doing what an adult is supposed to do. Isn’t it very torturous for that child? Even some adults find factory work tough so how could a child take it. I think t
hat child labour is most probably caused by poverty. Those families struck with poverty will most likely have their children working in factories and other places. I feel that those parents are really very cruel to their children and they seemed as though they don’t care about their children at all. Even though they were struck by poverty they should seek help from human rights organizations or government bodies.

In India, it has one of the highest child labour rates behind Africa. This is because India is struck by poverty and most of the families have more than five children so their daily income could not support the family. The unemployment rate in India is high so a lot of the families have nobody to support the family and has to send their children to work. Even though the Indian government has set law to ban child labour, many employers still do not care and carry on employing children to work for him or her. This is most likely because the India government only set the law but does not take any action. Even though some of the employers were caught employing children, he or she might have got away from being punished because the India government was suspected of accepting bribery and just let the criminal go. The Indian government should change its way of doing things and be stricter on child labour. Factories and employers should stop employing children to work for them.
In “Village by the Sea”, Hari was the one who supported the family as his father is a drunkard and his mother is sick. He is working in a farm growing crops. He is only twelve years old. He even had to go to Bombay to work as their family was almost always in debt. This is considered a form of child labour in India as Hari’s father is always drunk and unwilling to work so he had to work in Bombay in order to support the family.
I fervently hope that this problem would be solved and children would be able to study and enjoy their childhood.

SLAMit.DUNKit 4:48 AM