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Monday, May 24, 2010

School days were a routine
Here we are at 0720 sharp
When the sun is just up
Heads high singing the national anthem

Quite in the class with heads down
Not sleeping but reading
Sleep and we get scolding
Pretending to read is enough

When the bell goes
Everyone become pit-bulls
The canteen as the red flag
Some just stay in class and lack

Lessons were sometimes boring
No choice but to listen
Not to flunk the tests
Which were like pests

CCA training was tough
But had to endure
In order to be tough
And rough too

Blazing hot sun was terrible
Almost turned us into grilled chicken
But I can't chicken out
Had to be strong

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:30 PM

Poem Analysis

The poet feels that his school days were very memorable and he seems very engrossed in telling us what memorable things there were in his school days in his poem.He seems that he was unable to forget the days when he was schooling as he was able to remember every memorable thing that happened.He wants to return to his school days and do the things that he had once did.He remembered things like the crows interrupting them when they sang their national anthem and his friend shading all A's in his Chinese language multiple-choice paper.

SLAMit.DUNKit 4:55 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

F1 Sabbatical

My Sabbitacal for this term is F1 in school workshop and $100 need to be paid. The result of this course is to create a D type F1 car using a computer-aided software. A common type of car would be given to us for us to design and in the end race it as shaping out every single car would take very long and we only have five days inclusive of the days taken to design the car. There is a world wide competition on this F1 car racing to and the preliminary round for this competition would be held in Hwa Chong. I feel that Formula 1 is rather cool but I do not really enjoy watching the race as it is very boring. We used Solidworks to design the F1 car. Designing the car is quite easy. We only have to create the curve to have the best aerodynamic shape to reduce drag.
The webpage showcases all our design.

The sanding of the car was the most tedious part of the whole process as we need to sand it until it is very smooth in order go fast.I am not very good in my art so my car was not very nice after I painted it.After the wheels are fixed it is ready to race. The track is just a 20m straight track.I am going to be racing with Yiheng.Oh!I almost forgot. We also had to vote for the best painted car. I had no votes at all...Sad...Anyway I know that my art is not good so I did not expect to have any votes. The person who won is from sec 2. I also voted for him. His car was really very nice.I did not have a chance to take a picture of it.

My reaction time was very slow and I lost to Yiheng in the end.Trophies will be given out for the winners.This workshop is quite enriching fulfilling.

SLAMit.DUNKit 6:34 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lakers VS Phoneix Suns

On Monday,Lakers won Phoneix Suns 128 to 107. The score gap is considered rather big for NBA matches. Kobe Bryant was the top scorer of the game of 40 points. It was quite sad that Phoneix Suns lost but I believe they will do better next time. Anyway Lakers is quite a strong team too.

SLAMit.DUNKit 6:13 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2010

SLAMit.DUNKit 1:28 AM

Lakers VS Phoneix Suns

On monday, may 17, 2010 Lakers will go against Phoneix Suns. Though Kobe Bryant is in Lakers but my favourite team is Phoneix Suns so hope they will win. Phoneix won Spurs a few days ago.Who do you support?

SLAMit.DUNKit 1:16 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Music project was A Total Failure

Today my group presented our Music project on Claude Debussy. Leon, Yi Fan, Yiheng and Zili
are my group members. During presentation, Mr TanBB kept stopping us and questioned our slides. We were not able to answer most of the questions but he actually said that it was quite good except that we need to make the respective amendments. There was not enough time for us to present the presentation. We only presented 8 slides in half an hour! Can you believe that? I really want to get A for this project.

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:36 AM

Friday, May 7, 2010

AAP Project

Yay! I got A1 for AAP Project. I did this with Leon and we got 9 out 0f 10, the highest in

class so far. Miss Lim liked our photos especially the time lapse video we made. I will post it

and let your enjoy. I am really happy! Finishing this project was not easy as we had to find

time to take the pictures and the pictures must clearly show our theme of "Changes". Enjoy

the video! Comment about the video too. Cheers

SLAMit.DUNKit 6:31 AM