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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, YOG has started for a few days and Singapore has already clinched 3 bronze 1 silver. I really hope that Singapore would clinch at least one GOLD. I really feel proud of the athletes out there and I wish I could be one of them, gaining fame for Singapore. Errr....I have nothing to say so that's all:)

SLAMit.DUNKit 11:27 PM

Thursday, August 5, 2010

National Day celebration

Today is the National Day celebration which all school should be having. Today is when everyone dresses in red and celebrate our nation's 45th birthday. Singapore may be young as compared to China but she indeed has gone through problems and disasters to become Singapore today.I am very proud to be a Singaporean as it is one of the most green country and safe country. I will definitely do my best to make Singapore a better country. Mine school celebrated with a concert and many people also face-painted their face. We celebrated as a school and there were also China students who came for cultural exchange. I believed that we must have impressed with our enthusiasm in celebrating our nation's birthday. I hope I would be able to celebrate Singapore's birthday every year even if I am overseas. Happy 45th Birthday Singapore:)

SLAMit.DUNKit 11:06 PM